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    1. The Meeting
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 50кб.
    2. Именной указатель к письмам Гаршина
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 167кб.
    3. Nadezhda Nikolayevna
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 162кб.
    4. The Coward
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    5. The Signal
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 24кб.
    6. Гаршин В. М - Гаршиной E. С., 20 ноября 1881 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.

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    1. The Meeting
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 50кб.
    Часть текста: wreaths; the air wafted up from the sea had a salty tang; Vasily Petrovich, who had never seen anything like this before, feasted his eyes on the sea, the moonlight, the sailing vessels and steamers, and drew the sea air into his lungs with a zest he had never felt in his life before. He stood for a long time, revelling in these new sensations, his back turned to the city in which he had arrived only that day, and where he was to live for many a year. Behind him a motley crowd was strolling along the boulevard; he caught snatches of Russian and foreign conversation, the quiet dignified voices of the local worthies, the pretty babble of the young ladies, and the boisterous voices of the senior schoolboys clustering around two or three of them. A burst of laughter from one such group made Vasily Petrovich turn round. The gay crowd passed him; one of the youths was saying something to a young schoolgirl; his chums were noisily interrupting what was apparently a vehement apologetic speech. "Don't you believe him, Nina! He's a liar! He's making it all up!" "No, really, Nina, it isn't my fault in the least!" "Look here, Shevyrev, if you ever try to deceive me again..." the girl began with affected hauteur in a pretty young voice. Vasily Petrovich did not catch the rest of the sentence, as the crowd passed out of earshot. Half a minute later another burst of laughter came out of the darkness. "There is my future field of activity upon which I shall toil like the humble ploughman," thought Vasily Petrovich, first, because he had been appointed to the post of teacher in the local Gymnasium, and secondly, because he had a predilection for figurative thinking even...
    2. Именной указатель к письмам Гаршина
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 167кб.
    Часть текста: и "Устоях", а с июля 1885 г. - в "Неделе", где стал одним из выразителей оппортунистической теории "малых дел", предлагая "отодвинуть на второй, на третий план широкие общественно-политические вопросы" ("абрамовщина"), В конце 90-х гг. отошел от публицистики и писал преимущественно по вопросам народного образования, 312, 319, 326, 463, 479, 480, 482, 487, 497, 507, 510, 516. Авенариус, Василий Петрович (1839--1924)--беллетрист и детский писатель. Автор нашумевших реакционных повестей, где высмеивалась материалистически настроенная молодежь ("Современная идиллия", 1865 г.) и обличался Чернышевский с его последователями ("Поветрие", 1867 г.). С конца 70-х гг. специализировался в области детской литературы ("Сказка о пчелке-мохнатке", "Что комната говорит" и др.); известностью пользовались и его биографические повести для юношества ("Отроческие годы Пушкина", 1886; "Юношеские годы Пушкина", 1888; "Гоголь-гимназист", 1896 и др.), 360--361 , 541. Аверкиев, Дмитрий Васильевич (1836--1905) - драматург, театральный критик и беллетрист. Сотрудничал в "Эпохе" Достоевского, "Всемирном Труде", "Русском Вестнике"; был театральным критиком "Моск. Вед.", "Голоса" и "Нового Времени"; с 1882 г. состоял членом литературно-театрального комитета; издатель "Дневника писателя" в 1885--1886 г., 288. Агнесса Борисовна - неизвестная, к которой адресовано письмо Г. 398. Ададуров, Иван Евграфович - известный железнодорожный деятель 70--80-х гг., инициатор технических съездов железных дорог в России, 328, 329, 357....
    3. Nadezhda Nikolayevna
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 162кб.
    Часть текста: because they wish to recapture the happy days of their youth; others for the sake of gossiping and blackening people long since dead and defending themselves against accusations long since forgotten. I have none of these reasons. I am still a young man, who has not made history nor seen it made; I have no reason to blacken people, and no reason whatever to defend myself. To recapture past happiness? It was so short-lived and the end so frightful, that the memory of it is anything but pleasant. Why then does a secret voice whisper it into my ear, why, when I wake up in the night, do familiar scenes and visions pass before me in the darkness, and why, when one pale image rises before me, do my face flame and my hands clench, and terror and rage clutch at my throat, as they did that day when I stood face to face with my mortal enemy? I cannot rid myself of these haunting memories, and an odd thought has occurred to me. Perhaps, if I put them down on paper, I shall be finished with them; perhaps they will haunt me no longer, and will let me die in peace. That is the special reason that makes me take up my pen. Perhaps someone will read this diary, perhaps not. It is immaterial to me. Therefore, I need not apologize to my future readers either for my choice of subject, which cannot have the slightest interest for people accustomed to dealing with social, if not world, problems, or for the form in which my writings are set forth. True, I should like these lines to be read by one person, but that person will not blame me. Everything that has to do with me is dear to her. That person is my cousin. What is...
    4. The Coward
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    Часть текста: they always have been, but the enemy, it seems, is by no means as weak as we had thought him to be. It is now four months since war was declared, and still we have not gained any decisive victory. Yet every day carries off hundreds of lives. I do not know whether it is because my nerves are like that, but the casualty lists affect me much more strongly than they do those around me. A man calmly reads: "Casualties on our side insignificant, such and such officers wounded, among the lower ranks 50 men killed, 100 wounded," and is glad that they are so few, but when I read such a report it immediately brings a whole bloody picture to my mind. Fifty killed and a hundred maimed-and that is called insignificant! Why are we shocked when the papers report a murder involving the lives of only a few people? Why does the sight of bullet-riddled corpses strewing the battle-field horrify us less than the spectacle of a home despoiled by a murderer? Why is it that the Tiligulskaya embankment disaster, which took toll of a score or so of lives, caused a sensation throughout Russia, whereas outpost skirmishes involving "insignificant" losses of the same number of lives barely attract attention? Lvov, a medical student of my acquaintance, with whom I often have arguments about the war, told me the other day, "Well, Mr. Pacifist, we shall see how those humane convictions of yours will look in practice when you are taken into the army and made to shoot at other men." "They won't take me into the army, Vasily, because I'm enrolled in the militia." "But if the war drags on they will start drawing on the militia. Don't you worry, your turn will come, too." My heart sank. How is it that that thought had never occurred to me before? They certainly would start on the militia, for that matter. "If the war drags on" . .. yes, it probably would. In any case, if this...
    5. The Signal
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 24кб.
    Часть текста: had been a steady cross-fire from morning till evening. Semyon's officer was there too; three times a day Semyon brought him his meals and a boiling samovar from the regimental kitchen in the ravine. He carried the samovar through a clearing, and the bullets whizzed around him and smacked against the rocks. Semyon was terrified, and sometimes he cried, but he kept straight on. The officers were pleased with him, because they always had hot tea. He came home from the war unharmed, but his legs and arms began to ache. He fell on evil days. Coming home, he found that his old father had died; his four-year-old son had died, too, from some throat trouble. Semyon was left all alone in the world with his wife. They could not work the farm; ploughing the land with rheumatic arms and legs was no easy task. Life in their home village became unbearable, and so they set out to seek their fortune in other places. They tried their luck on the border, in Kherson, and in the Don, but without success. Then the wife went into domestic service, while Semyon continued to wander about. Once he happened to ride on an engine, and at one of the stations the face of the station-master seemed familiar to him. Semyon looked at the station-master, and the station-master looked at Semyon, and ...
    6. Гаршин В. М - Гаршиной E. С., 20 ноября 1881 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.
    Часть текста: большую просьбу: пусть пришлет мне, если он дел, конечно, английского Рейфа (Помнится, он был в книгах) и грамматику фукса, а самое главное, пусть купит (деньги ему пусть отдаст Таня, а я ей отдам здесь) книжку: Turner (Тёрнер) Lessons of English Literature (лёссонс оф инглиш литерачур), первую часть. Она стоит, кажется, 75 копеек. Очень может быть, что Лашкевич, к которому дядя завезет Таню в X., не пустит их в Петербург. Тогда это письмо пойдет по почте, и моя просьба пусть остается втуне. Если дядя будет затрудняться везти много книг, то грамматики не надо; довольно Рейфа и Тернера, который очень тоненькая книжечка. У вас опять началась пальба. Чт о значит расстояние! Узнав вчера об Черёвинском покушении, я остался совершенно спокойным. 142 Точно будто и не в России. Какие же теперь еще новейшие (новых уж и так много) меры надзора будут приняты? Часто мне припоминается теперь: В столицах шум, гремят витии, Кипит словесная война, А там, во глубине России... В Ефимовкс мы ежедневно почти смотрим, как кормят свиней; недавно кололи пару. Понедельники и пятницы ожидаются с нетерпением: почта, которая одна только разнообразит жизнь, если не считать чтения. Благодаря Тане я стал значительно свободнее читать по-французски и теперь запас чтения у меня снова очень велик: целых два года "Revue de Revues", и год "Revus de deux mondes", n еще много разных книг. Так что хоть и будет скучно, но все-таки не смертельно. Недавно мы прочли Мериме...